The volunteer bird team couldn't be more proud to announce that we are now Nature Canada certified at the entry-level as a Bird Friendly Town! Yes, we are technically a Township, but regardless, we are so proud! This certification is the culmination of hard work and successful community partnerships. It is a badge of honour for all Selwyn Township residents who care about bird conservation!
Our work is not over by any means now that we have achieved this first goal-- we have lots more we want to accomplish. Priorities like increasing tree canopy in our parks, creating connected greenspaces, reducing plastic pollution from our waterways and wetlands, promoting accessible birding locations, promoting community science, educating on the threats that birds face in our community, and ultimately ensuring that as we continue to grow as a community we do so in ways that do not have a negative impact on our local biodiversity.
We welcome everyone's contribution, so if you would like to be involved, or have something to say, please do not hesitate to reach out to
Please follow this link to the official Nature Canada announcement: